
REAK Holder for Markers


Ilman alv:tä

Käytettävissä olevat toimitustavat: Nouto, Matkahuolto Lähellä, Matkahuolto Jako, Posti - Postipaketti, Posti - Pakettiautomaatti, Posti - Express-paketti, Posti - Express aamuksi 09, Posti - Kotipaketti 21, Posti - Lauantaijakelu, Posti - Postal Parcel Baltic, Local Post EMS, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, Matkahuolto Kotijakelu, DHL Economy, DHL Express, UPS Standard

Reak Holder is a tool designed to hold markers and assist in drawing two parallel lines at a set distance apart. It is especially useful for creating large text designs and ornamental patterns on the skin.

The distance between the markers can be adjusted as needed. This model is compatible with 12mm diameteter markers. Distance between markers has an adjustment range from minimum 1.6 cm to maximum 5.7 cm.

Attention! Do not use tools to tighten the screws. Tighten the screws by hand so that the parts are just held together, to much force may break components. 2 screws are for tightening each marker in place and the 3rd is for locking in the desired distance setting for the markers.

Price per one holder, markers not included. Made in Finland.


Tuote Huomaa Tila Hinta
Sharpie Permanent Marker - Black Sharpie Permanent Marker - Black
0,99 €
Sharpie Fine+Ultra Fine Twintip - Black Sharpie Fine+Ultra Fine Twintip - Black
2,29 €
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