Magic Moon Cartridge 20pcs - Round Shader

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Alkaen 21,00 / laatikkoa
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Käytettävissä olevat toimitustavat: Nouto, Matkahuolto Lähellä, Matkahuolto Jako, Posti - Postipaketti, Posti - Pakettiautomaatti, Posti - Express-paketti, Posti - Express aamuksi 09, Posti - Kotipaketti 21, Posti - Lauantaijakelu, Posti - Postal Parcel Baltic, Local Post EMS, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, Matkahuolto Kotijakelu, DHL Economy, DHL Express, UPS Standard

Magic Moon Cartridge System needle. All our needles, regardless which kind of taper, are manufactured from the same highest production standard steel and are subject to constant quality control.

Cartridges that ensure quality and product safety. Magic Moon cartridges are equipped with the well known and highly appreciated Magic Moon needles, our needle cartridges stay true to our quality and safety standards. The cartridges are equipped with a flexible membrane.

Additionally, a special stabilization cap ensures a better needle support within the tip and a maximum linear movement of the needle bar. We also made sure that Magic Moon cartridges are compatible with most established cartridge grips on the market.

- Original Magic Moon Needles
- With safety membrane
- Fits most standard cartridge grips
- 20pcs per box


Tuote Huomaa Tila Hinta
Magic Moon Cartridge TipGrip 50pcs Magic Moon Cartridge TipGrip 50pcs
7,90 €
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Selaa tätä tuoteryhmää: Magic Moon Needle Cartridges