Lucky Supply, Curved Magnums, 50pcs

Avaa tuote nähdäksesi vaihtoehdot ja niiden saatavuus

Alkaen 28,50 / laatikkoa
Ilman alv:tä

Käytettävissä olevat toimitustavat: Nouto, Matkahuolto Lähellä, Matkahuolto Jako, Posti - Postipaketti, Posti - Pakettiautomaatti, Posti - Express-paketti, Posti - Express aamuksi 09, Posti - Kotipaketti 21, Posti - Lauantaijakelu, Posti - Postal Parcel Baltic, Local Post EMS, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, Matkahuolto Kotijakelu, DHL Economy, DHL Express, UPS Standard

Lucky Supply Tattoo Needles have become revered and recognized for their quality and consistency.

Our curved magnum tattoo needles have a subtle curve, allowing all needles in the configuration to have contact with the skin, allowing for optimal saturation.

- All needles come pre-sterilized in blister packs stamped with the expiration date
- #12 (0.35mm) needles, made from the highest-quality surgical grade steel
- Long taper tattoo needles (2.0mm) soldered on bar
- All needles are textured unless labeled "Bugpin" or "Polished"
- Quantity: 50/box all sizes

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