Neo Magnetic Needle Cartridges 10pcs - Magnums

Avaa tuote nähdäksesi vaihtoehdot ja niiden saatavuus

Alkaen 15,00 / laatikkoa
Ilman alv:tä

Käytettävissä olevat toimitustavat: Nouto, Matkahuolto Lähellä, Matkahuolto Jako, Posti - Postipaketti, Posti - Pakettiautomaatti, Posti - Express-paketti, Posti - Express aamuksi 09, Posti - Kotipaketti 21, Posti - Lauantaijakelu, Posti - Postal Parcel Baltic, Local Post EMS, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, Matkahuolto Kotijakelu, DHL Economy, DHL Express, UPS Standard

PLEASE NOTE! The Neo Cartridges only work with the magnetic Scorpion tattoo machine and no other machines.

Neo cartridges are made with a one-piece medical polymer body that connects to the tattoo machine. This eliminates the need of potentially fragile seals. The Homogeneous cartridge body makes it the safest needles on the market regarding cross contamination.

Magnetic bond between the tattoo machine and the needle. The non-physical contact creates an ideal link between the machine and skin. Smooth operation and excellent healing.

The magnetic properties of the Neo cartridge makes it stick to magnetic metal. This allows the user to organize the needles in a orderly manner while working.

Less strain on the machine
Neo cartridges offer very little resistance when compared to cartridges with membrane and rubber band retention. Starts up and runs effortless from 5 volts regardless of the protrusion of the needle.


Needle thickness:
#10 = 0.30mm
#12 = 0.35mm


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