Cheyenne SOL Nova Unlimited II - Drive Unit Only

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Käytettävissä olevat toimitustavat: Nouto, Matkahuolto Lähellä, Matkahuolto Jako, Posti - Postipaketti, Posti - Pakettiautomaatti, Posti - Express-paketti, Posti - Express aamuksi 09, Posti - Kotipaketti 21, Posti - Lauantaijakelu, Posti - Postal Parcel Baltic, Local Post EMS, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Economy, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, DHL Express, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Standard, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, UPS Express, Matkahuolto Kotijakelu, DHL Economy, DHL Express, UPS Standard

PLEASE NOTE! This is only the Drive Unit part of the Unlimited II machine, an Operating Unit is needed to use this like a complete machine.
If you already own a complete Unlimited II machine this part can be changed to change the machine stroke.

Change strokes on the fly by switching the drive units. The exchange can be made within two clicks without extra setup time as the operating unit saves the settings for each stroke.

Available in three stroke options:
2.5 mm is made for delicate shading.
3.5 mm is your perfect all-rounder choice.
4.5 mm is best for lining and color packing.

Thanks to the interchangeable operating unit, you can bundle up several strokes without having to invest into a whole extra machine.

SOL Nova Unlimited II Drive Unit features:
- Cheyenne-typical, quiet and low-vibration operation
- Frequency from 25 Hz to 150 Hz
- Steplessly adjustable needle depth (0 - 4.0 mm)
- Compatible with all SOL Nova Grips (also Steel Grip) and Disposable Grips One Inch and Ergo Round
- Drive: BLDC
- 24-month warranty
- Made in Germany

Package includes: SOL Nova Unlimited II Drive Unit only. QR code and the web address to access an online manual are included.


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